Creative Agency for Impact

Willemsparkweg 78
1071 HL Amsterdam

+31 (0)20 754 2336


Making impact asks for a different approach than making ads

Wefilm unites different specialties under one roof: strategy, concepting, production and media. With all expertises on board we strive towards one common goal: creating earned-first, credible campaigns that become talk of the town and make a positive impact.

Our team

Meet our Directors

More than 200 awards

Wefilm is the proud winner of 58 ADCN Light bulbs, 22 Cannes Lions, 17 SpinAwards, 17 Eurobest Awards and 26 Esprix Awards. In 2024, Wefilm Creative Agency was finalist in the Agency of the Year jury. And we are proud winner of 2 ADCN Grand Prix's as well as 2 Cannes Lions Grand Prix's.

22 Cannes Lions
26 Esprix
17 Eurobest
12 Best Social Awards
13 SAN Accent
2 Cannes Lions Grand Prix
2 ADCN Grand Prix

Wefilm also received awards outside the marketing industry, such as an Edison for Best Video Clip, a triple Platinum Record and the number 1 position in the Advertising Music Top40.


  • Is Wefilm Creative Agency an agency or a production company?

    Wefilm Creative Agency is a full service agency specialized in campaigns that create a positive impact on society. We are specialized in brands positioning on social and environmental issues. We believe that brands that take responsibility on social and environmental issues, will grow in brand preference significantly

  • What kind of issues do you prefer to work on?

    Mission driven challenges. We believe that companies can have a major positive impact on society through creative solutions. We help finding these solutions and bringing them to life by campaigning them in a way that touches hearts. This way consumers benefit from the brands solution, and the brand benefits from the goodwill it creates, ultimately leading to strong brand preference.

  • Do you work on projects or have your regular accounts?

    Mission driven campaigning works best in long term strategy. If you really have a mission, it needs perseverance and dedication. We work on the long term with brands such as Interpolis, ING, #artsenslaanalarm, KNVB and Gezonde Generation.

  • How do strategy, creation, production and media distribution go hand-in-hand?

    Mission driven campaigning is a delicate process. All sorts of washing (green-, pink-, blue- and social washing) lurk if strategy, creativity and execution isn’t sincere and spot on. With over ten years experience we know that every step in the process needs to be at the highest level with the same purpose in mind as a starting point. Everyone involved should be part of the mission. The best way to make sure everyone is involved in the mission, is to bring it all under one roof.

  • How do you contribute to innovation?

    Over the years we have always looking for innovation in our profession: strategically, creativity, productionally and even in terms of media distribution. This led to highly visible campaigns that became talk of the town. Remember the first YouTube viral in the Netherlands Max the Hacker? The first large personalized film? The first interactive film for the Dutch Film Festival? One of the first campaigns with real people as lead character for DELA? Or what about Interpolis, KPN setting the bar for musical campaigns that touch hearts?

  • How does Wefilm differ from other agencies?

    We do not make traditional advertising, but focus on mission driven advertising. Those might seem closely linked, but it demands a totally different approach. We build strategy with social psychology and behavioral science as an important starting point. We bring campaigns to life with smart sincere solutions that really help and creativity that touches hearts. And we put earned media first, because we want to earn sympathy rather than imposing it.

  • What does Wefilm contribute to the creative industry?

    Our mission is bigger than we are. So we try to motivate the industry as a whole. That is why we are involved in various trade organizations, we have a weekly column for years and podcast at BNR, we are regulars table guest at various primetime TV shows talk shows, we chair the day and KeyNote speak at TEDx, and make we work hard for the interests of our industry.

  • What do you mean with earned first thinking?

    Our ambition for every campaign is to make them spread organically. We know a message sticks better if it’s recommended by a peer or an independent source, like a journalist. In addition, it increases the effectiveness of your media budget. It does mean that the idea always must be eye-catching: every campaign must have some news value.
