
Driving on wind power

Our way of driving needs to become more sustainable. How about driving on wind power?


encouraging CEO's to do the right thing

Powerful, polluting Dutch companies are about to make a very important decision. Will they choose for a sustainable future or a quick profit? Milieudefensie reminds the public that their words can offer the necessary support to encourage directors to make the right decision.


Thank You For Smoking

Did the tobacco industry really just release a nationwide ‘thank you’ campaign, to show appreciation for their partners, the media and of course their loyal customers?

Fondsen voor Rookvrij

100% green energy, 100% of the time?

What happens with windmills when the wind doesn’t blow? What happens to solar panels when the sun doesn’t shine? How can we maximize the efficiency of green energy?


Are you actually happy at work?

We helped NCOI reframe the word “ambition” to help people discover their passion at work.


Don't be scared Mum and Dad

We're all afraid of something, but let's let the kids decide if these paintings give them the creeps.


A million solar panels on my roof? I’m in!

In this campaign we wanted to convey our concern sincerely, but we also wanted to give hope as well.


What if your house is a living, breathing thing?

Green and local energy is the future. And we can’t take it for granted. That’s easy to forget. Let’s treat the energy in our house in a smart and sensible way so we can rely on a sustainable future.


The graduation speech

Graduating from a part-time study doesn’t always get the praise it deserves.

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